Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm in denial.

I love oranges. I was eating one today, y'know, doing the usual. Peeling it, separating it, and eating it. I thought to myself, "Pirates probably ate them like apples, those savages."
Then I began to think, are there any other animals who spend so much time to peel an orange? Why is the orange separated like this? I really began to see God's craftsmanship as I was eating an orange!
I was watching t.v. the other day (Are you smarter than a 5th grader) and I saw the commercial to the new show "Moment of Truth." The controversial question came up: Would you cheat on your wife if you knew you wouldn't get caught?
I think God designed everything to show a glimpse of His existence, God is in everything. 'Wouldn't get caught,' isn't accurate at all. In the future I would probably fail this lie detector test in front of my wife as well. Sorry, honey, but the sinful nature within me would scream the truth that I'm not 'good.' I do things everyday as if I wouldn't get caught, but God you're there in it all. I'm sorry.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I just saw a really wierd commercial. It was like Hell.. and then it turned to hope... and then it showed a chimpanzee eating an Orange... like a pirate... and then it was titled Escape to Chimp Eden...