Monday, April 14, 2008

Why are Christians so CHEAP!?


3 Sets
Max BW Bench (7, 6, 5)
Max Incline Situps ( 40, 30, 30 )
Max Back extensions (21, 31, 20)

Hang Cleans (Failure)
1st -115 pounds, 2nd - 125 pounds, 3rd - pounds, 4th - Crash. (Dang 10k!)

Well, I didn't think that was enough, so I did a bit more:
100 Burpees for time (8:59)


Psalm 4:5
Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord.


1 comment:

Phil said...

The real question is why are americans so cheap. Macedonian Christians gave more than their means. The poor old lady gave all she had. All over the the world there are christians living in poverty for the Kingdom.

Giving comes from the hearts and many hearts are not FULLY devoted to God.

America is the church of Laodicea.