Monday, January 7, 2008

Joe's thoughts on ... Girls

I don't get it.

Girls are awesome. I'm caught in a mess right now and I'm not going to spill out a ton of scripture, but I'm simply going to talk out what's been going on and calm my heart down to finally yield to the Holy Spirit.

I've been fully taken over by hormones. It's official that I'm an average guy. The difference between me and other men is that I've been touched by the Spirit of God, called to live a life for Him. It's ridiculous. My accessibility to feed my sensual desires is almost literally at my finger tips. I've got to learn. I have to understand that women/girls/ladies are all my sisters in the family of God.
I've learned to honor my Mom - sweet!
I've learned to honor my sister - SICK!!
- I need to learn how to honor God more fully, by how I deal with women.

I do not want to be 'burned' with passion. If I could've done anything different, I would have refrained from dating in High School. Not only would I not be in the situation I am right now, but those ladies would probably still talk to me and maybe I would be sitting here today with a pure heart. It's no one's fault but my own, and I can't take anything I did in the past back. I have to bear it DAILY to walk closer and closer to God. Right now, my heart is progressing and the wounds are deep. And Phil, I'm stoked to know that those scars will be encouraging to another man's testimony. Let's hope I'm obedient and get to the guys the Lord has called me to.

School! New classes, new people, new situation. Pretty ladies EVERYWHERE! I'd LOVE to have Liz's gift. I guess any girls gift, haha. She said that the boy situation in Louisiana is 'irrelevant.' For me, I love hanging out with awesome ladies. Primarily, I almost always (95% of the time) hang out with guys. It's not that big of a deal, but I know it impacts me. If I can't honor women now, outside of marriage, how can I honor a woman in marriage? It's not practice in my mind right now, it's development... discipline. I want to learn how to honor women, not run away because of my current/past failures.

I love You. I'm messing up everywhere... I'm slacking a bit in school, but I'm working on it. I'm slacking in emotional development, but I'm working on it. I'm slacking in discipline to You, but I'm working on it. Jesus, help me to grow closer to You, first, and to honor Your creation, second. Help me keep this in perspective.

Well, that's it for now... I'm going to work out and prepare myself for class. Later!

1 comment:

Phil said...

This whole scar Business isn't my work. It's actually God's. Gal. 6:17 Most translations say Marks. But NLT says Scars. For kicks I always like to put it in context with Romans 5:3-5!